Acne occurs when tiny glands beneath the skin surface, sebaceous glands, become blocked with sebum, an oily material normally excreted by the skin to keep it healthy.
This occurs due to over production of oil and shedding of cells lining the oil gland hair shaft unit. If clogged, bacteria can grow in the glands, which in turn causes swelling and inflammation on the skin’s surface known as pimples.
This can occur anywhere where there are hair follicles projecting below the skin surface, including the face, back, and neck.
Acne affects adults as well as teens, but more commonly occurs during times of high hormonal activity like adolescence.
There are a numerous approaches in treating acne and the associated scarring that can occur.
Your Dermatologist can advise you regarding appropriate cleanser, moisturiser and sunscreen options to use in the context of acne. Often this needs to be customised to suit individual needs.
Some of the medical treatments for acne include :
All treatments haves risks and side effects that must be carefully discussed with and monitored by our dermatologist.
The first step in a treatment plan for acne is a thorough consultation with a dermatologist. They will examine your skin, recommend the best type of therapy, which may include a combination of therapies, and work out a long-term plan for containing the condition.
The key to treating acne scars is prevention. Mild to moderate scars often will resolve once the acne is controlled.
Residual scars can be treated with a number of methods including
Discuss treatment options with your Dermatologist.